The Story of Red Eye
The Miracle Horse of Gettysburg
by Robert Trout

The Story
Red Eye was never supposed to be like most other horses.  The boy who helped raise and train him to race knew that Red Eye could have been a champion many times over. 

But war came, and Red Eye could not escape it.   Like other horses, he suffered through the heat, the rain, and the snow; marched for hours over rough roads or struggled through muddy tracks; went without food and water; and worse. 

The boy, who had grown up and gone to war, too, found Red Eye wounded and scared but could not help him and had to leave him in the care of a young girl.   She came to love Red Eye as the boy had.   When danger threatened her family, she asked Red Eye to do the impossible and he gave her everything he had.  

No one who met Red Eye ever was the same.   All of them came to love him.   But more, his courage and strength changed them.  Their lives were better for knowing him.

The History
On July 3, 1863, Confederate Brigadier General Richard Brooke Garnett mounted his black, thoroughbred horse, Red Eye, and led his brigade forward in what has become known as Pickett's Charge.

Crossing the Emmitsburg Road, Garnett and Red Eye disappeared into the musket and cannon smoke on the slope of Cemetery Hill.   Minutes passed.  Then suddenly, Red Eye burst from the smoke, running back toward the Confederate lines. Two of Garnett's men watched the horse race by.   

That was the last anyone saw of what is believed to be the only horse to survive Pickett's Charge.

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